Physical Lifters
Kenco Curb Lifter
Physical Lifters
Kenco Curb Lifter
Product Overview
The Curb Lifter is the required tool to use on any applications where curbing is handled, such as roadside or parking lot construction. An extra wide grip range of 4 to 16 inches gives the machine operator the ability to lift, move, and position all types and sizes of heavy concrete or granite curbing with this slab lifting machine.
The Curb Lifter has a maximum lifting capacity of 1500 pounds. This concrete lifting equipment works on any machine with the necessary rated lifting capacities including excavators, wheel loaders and forklifts.
The lifting eye of the Curb Lifter attaches with a shackle assembly called the RigMax to your machine and is ready for operation immediately.
Our unique actuator grips securely as soon as the device has been set onto the top of the curbing and it will not release until it has been set down firmly into position. Elastomer pads on this concrete lifting machine ensure a tight grip, even on the smoothest of surfaces.
The Curb Lifter has a 4 to 16 inch grip range with a 1500 lb capacity, but weighs only 120 pounds.
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